Hi Everyone, Hope everyone is having a beautiful week! Today I wanted to write about gratitude. I am grateful for many things in my life and I am sure many of you are too.
Here is a list of ABC's for gratitude and gratitude affirmations. Enjoy the article and list and if you have any other words to add, please email me so I can add them to the list!
Affirming Your Gratitude Can Bring Peace to Your Life
What do you have to be thankful for? Starting your day off with some gratitude affirmations is a great way to remind yourself of all the wonderful things you have in your life. When you repeat aloud these affirmations of gratitude, you energize yourself and gain the courage to face the day and all of the frictions and adventures it may bring.
Affirming your gratefulness helps you recognize that you can have what you most want and need in order to reap the fulfilling life you deserve. Joy, money, love, and happiness are yours. You deserve it!
Affirmations are easy to do and they don’t take much time at all. In just a few minutes you can turbo charge your day better than a rocket-fueled cup of coffee ever could. By reflecting on your prosperity and abundance you’ll soar above your current highest high!
Gratitude Affirmations and Stress
Once you’ve worked affirmations into your morning (you can say them anytime again throughout the day or night, too) you’ll start to notice that your inner world is much less stressed.
When you have finally let it sink into your subconscious mind that you can have all that you need and desire, your stress will start to slip away. Your negative reactions are soothed and they slip away. You can now enjoy peace of mind and a sense of calm that you may never have known before.
Gratitude ABC List A - abundance, adventures, air, ancestors, angels, animals, answers, anticipation, autumn, awe B - babies, balance, beauty, best friend, birds, books, breath, brothers, butterflies C - care, celebrations, challenge, change, chance, children, chocolate!, clarity, comfort, commitment, compassion, contentment, courage, creativity D - dancing, dawn, day, delight, depth, determination, devotion, dignity, divinity, doctors, dusk E - Earth, ease, email, emotions, encouragement, energy, enjoyment, enlightenment, enthusiasm, everything, experiences F - faith, family, father, flowers, food, foresight, forgiveness, friends, fruit, fun G - gardens, generosity, gentleness, gifts, giggles, God, goodness, grace, grandparents, grandchildren, guidance H - hands to hold, happiness, harmony, harvest, healing, health, hearing, heart, heaven, heritage, holidays, home, hope, hugs, humor, husband I - ideas, ideals, imagination, innocence, insight, integrity, intelligence, intuition J - jokes, journals, journey, joy, judgment, justice K - keepsakes, kin, kindness, kisses, knowledge L - land, laughter, leaves, leisure, liberty, life, light, love, loyalty M - mediation, memories, mercy, miracles, moment, moon, mother, music, mystery N - nature, neighbors, night, nourishment, now, nurturing O - oceans, offspring, oneness, optimism P - parents, passion, path, patience, peace, power, prayer Q - quality, quest, questions, quiet, quotes R - radiance, rain, readiness, recreation, rest, rhythm, rituals, romance S - seasons, sight, silence, silliness, simplicity, sisters, smiles, song, soul, spirit, sun, stars, spouse, spring, summer, sunrise, sunset, surprises T - taste, teachers, thankfulness, thoughts, time, touch, traditions, trees, trust, truth U - unconditional positive regard, understanding, uniqueness, unity, universe, USA V - vacations, validation, values, variety, veterans, voice, vision W - walking, water, weather, wellness, wholeness, wife, will, wind, winter, work, world, wisdom X - eXperience, eXcursions, relaXation, XOX Y - yearning, yes, yesterday, yin/yang, you, youth Z - zeal, zest, zillion, zip
Truly enjoy your day and fill it with love, light and healing xoxox Barbara www.MotivateYourLife.Net BarbaraESavin@aol.com 805-390-2915 Energy healing, distant healing, hypnosis, life coaching