Hi Again Everyone, I know I just sent out an email yesterday. I did get a lot of you asking if I was alright and the newsletter did not sound like me. I am good and I usually offer positive information. I did get a lot of questions on what I do offer for those of you that do not know me...
I am committed to helping you heal on all levels. I offer both hypnotherapy and energy healing sessions that can help you thrive in our challenging times. We are in a period of rebirth! How do you want to live your new life?
Hypnosis helps with destructive behaviors such as:
1. Drinking 7. Emotional Development
2. Drugs 8. Anger / Suppression / Temper
3. Nervous Habits 9. Insomnia
4. Social Media 10. Pain Control
5. Stop Smoking 11. Self-Confidence
6. Weight Loss 12. Physical Health and so much more!
As you most likely know I am a natural energy healer and the majority of my clients feel much lighter after their session. They also feel more in harmony, aligned with themselves, and clear. Once their blocks are removed it allows their energy to flow freely (newly or again). This has been known to result in loving relationships, starting with my clients and extending to personal and work.
Do you ever feel like you're sabotaging yourself, struggling to be happy? Not feeling good enough? Sometimes there's past energies that need to be cleared out so you can be your true self! Sometimes there's some energy that lives in you that you do not realize is there until it's gone. Once you are released from what doesn't serve you you can be your best self! The self that everyone truly loves and adores...most importantly a person that you love, accept, and are excited to be. My energy healing sets you free so you can be the you you've always wanted to be or don't even think or know is possible. I am grateful and excited to be that contribution for you. It is what brings me fulfillment and is my purpose in this life. As I mentioned in yesterday's newsletter, I will be discounting my sessions because of challenging times for many of you.
Here are some ways to feel more hopeful...Hope you enjoy it xoxoox
14 Ways to Feel More Hopeful
How can you feel hopeful about your future when your health and your job may be at risk? It may sound far-fetched, but you can be upbeat in any circumstances.
Rather than denying reality, healthy optimism is about facing the facts and accepting your emotions. The difference is that you generate a sense of hope to coexist with your doubts and fears.
Overcoming discouragement may require some effort, but the benefits are enormous. Hope increases motivation, so you’re more likely to persevere and succeed. For a fuller life, try these 14 ideas for creating a brighter tomorrow.
Building Hope by Managing Stress
There’s a powerful connection between body and mind. When daily stress piles up, it can trigger inflammation and other health issues. It’s easier to feel hopeful when you adopt habits that keep you strong and fit.
Try these ideas:
Practice self-care. Maintain your health with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Stick to a consistent bedtime and aim for about 8 hours of sleep each night.
Think positive. Look for the bright side in any situation. Notice the pleasant things that happen each day, like hugs from your children and colorful sunsets.
Learn from experience. Disappointments and setbacks can work to your advantage when you view them as teachable moments. Figure out what you can do differently next time to achieve the outcomes you want.
Shift your focus. Empower yourself by concentrating on the factors that you can control. Let go of the rest. Sort out your priorities and devote your resources to the areas that will deliver the greatest return.
Set goals. Create specific and meaningful objectives to strive for. Goals provide guidance and help you to organize your life.
Take breaks. Leisure time matters too. Avoid burnout by allowing yourself plenty of downtime each day. Stop for a cup of tea or a few shoulder stretches.
Laugh it up. Humor helps to keep you calm and happy. Watch funny movies and share jokes with friends.
Meditate and pray. Your spiritual faith can be a major source of hope and motivation. Develop a daily practice and search for a community where you can enjoy support and friendship.
Building Hope by Practicing Kindness
When you’re burdened by your own concerns, thinking about others can be a relief. Taking your mind off your troubles for a while may help you get unstuck. You also gain confidence by showing yourself that you can have a positive impact on your world.
Use these strategies:
Cultivate gratitude. Being thankful provides a strong foundation for hope and other positive thoughts. Make a list of the blessings in your life. Let others know how much you appreciate them.
Give generously. Use your strengths and resources to help others. Make donations to charities and perform favors for your neighbors. Lend a hand to coworkers when they’re busy and smile at a stranger who looks sad.
Volunteer your services. Do you have extra free time lately? Contact a food pantry to see if they need help with sorting and distribution.
Do extra chores. You can be considerate of others without even leaving home. Surprise your partner by vacuuming the stairs for them when it’s their turn.
Be nice online. Internet users sometimes speak harshly because they feel anonymous. Turn things around by complimenting others and discussing issues politely.
Connect with others. Ordinary socializing offers many opportunities for kindness too. Give others your full attention when they’re talking with you. Validate their feelings and experiences. Take pleasure in their happiness and accomplishments.
Even dark days have bright moments. These strategies will help you to develop the wisdom and courage to keep striving and hope for positive results.
I hope you enjoyed the article and have a beautiful weekend filled with love and light, Barbara
BarbaraESavin@aol.com 805-390-2915
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