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Coaching and energy healing, lets you see the obstacles you need to overcome

Barbara can help you with coaching and energy healing in person, or by phone. Coaching, in combination with energy healing, lets you see clearly the obstacles you need to overcome.


What is coaching?


Spiritual coaching can assist in clearing blockages and help overcome subconscious issues brought on by childhood and/or past or current situations. Working with Barbara will allow you to see your world and your life in a new light. You will become the creator of your life rather than the reactor, and you will learn to make decisions that strengthen your bond with yourself and others. You will learn how to keep peace in your life even when you are surrounded by chaos, and you will deepen your sense of knowing what life and the universe is all about. You will be able to clear your mind and finally understand what you need to become happy, whole, and spiritually in-tune.


Barbara respects the fact that we all have our own spiritual beliefs. In contrast, many people are still uncertain about who they are spiritually and are looking to find themselves in that respect. Working with a spiritual life coach can reveal your inner beliefs and bring your ideas about spirituality to the surface.

Spiritual Life Coaching & Energy Healing: 90 minutes includes healing session

    Tel: 805-390-2915
    Available at my location or distance.
    5655 Lindero Canyon Rd, Westlake Village, CA, USA Suite 301
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