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Distance Healing

Distance healing is the simple act of sending positive energy to a willing receiver

1 h 20 min
85 US dollars

Service Description

How does distance healing work? Distance healing is the simple act of sending positive energy to a willing receiver. This energy is capable of traveling any distance and never attenuates. The full intention of the sender easily locates the receiver. Receivers of this kind of energy often report the same feelings and sensations that those in an in-person energy healing session do and have been able to confirm the effectiveness of that healing energy countless times. There is no religious or liturgical prerequisite to receive distant energy healing. It has everything to do with the sender’s intention and their healing ability. ​ Specific spiritual and metaphysical disciplines are a very good way to hone one’s ability to send energy healing and many opt to work with other healer/practitioners to enhance those abilities. How effective is distance healing? Thousands of people have reported that Distant Energy Healing is as effective as when done in person. Dozens of clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of distance healing. ​ Barbara has clients all around the world that are unable to continue coming to the center due to distance or disability, she offers distance healing for those clients that want to continue their healing journey with Barbara. The typical distance healing session lasts an hour. A specific date and time is set via email or phone. If you live within the United States I call you and we discuss your healing needs prior to the session.

Contact Details

+ 805-390-2915

Suite 101 5703 Corsa Avenue, Westlake Village, CA 91362, USA

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